Supporting PIBC just got easier!
We are happy to announce improvements to our online giving system:
We have streamlined the online giving page to make it easier to submit your donations.
You now have the ability to submit donations by text message.
This change provides better integration with our church management software, which in turn makes the weekly counting, monthly bookkeeping and annual giving statement processes much more efficient.
See the Giving page for more information - GIVING
Why you should consider online or text donations over check or cash?
Ease of Use - obviously, from the givers point of view, setting up online donations is quite simple. Add in the ability to make that donation recurring, means you only need to do it once to give every week, month or year. Set it and forget it!!
Efficiency - every week church staff and volunteers spend time and effort sorting/counting donations of checks and cash, recording them in the Church’s management system, preparing bank deposits and transporting them to the bank for deposit. Because of the integration with our online giving system, there is virtually NO time and effort spent on these tasks for online donations.
Security and accuracy - while PIBC has very stringent controls in place for handling checks and cash, giving online removes any chance for human error by church staff, volunteers or third parties.