From the Pastor


To my church family,

I am writing today to inform you of the love and care I have for each and every one of you here at PIBC. I want to encourage you to hold strong to the promises of God:

  1. He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5)

  2. He will watch over you at all times and in all situations (Psalm 121)

  3. He is the source of our hope (Psalm 31:24)

  4. He is our strength (Psalm 46:1)

  5. He is our guide (Psalm 32:8)

  6. He is not surprised by what is happening (Isaiah 41:9-10)

To the elderly and sick in our congregation, I want to offer you some extra hope. If you need any assistance with groceries or other items from the store, please contact us at the office (979-826-2016). We know that this virus hits the elderly of the population really hard so we want to make sure you have everything you need without having to leave home.

I ask that you continue to pray for our Nation, our churches and each other. We plan to have services next Sunday and hopefully the following Wednesday (3-25-2020). If you can’t attend due to illness or you are worried about exposure you can watch us live on Sunday mornings.

In Christ,

Bro. Tom

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