Wonderful Grace of Jesus

This week’s events:

In cooperation with Governor Abbott’s executive order, there will be no in person services for the duration of the order (at least through May 4th).

  • Join us for a daily Bible study at 7pm working our way through the book of ACTS with Doug Chumley and Robert Smith - Previous recordings of ACTS Bible study

  • Tomorrow’s ACTS Bible study, Monday - 4/6/2020, with Doug Chumley will be live, interactive using ZOOM video conferencing. Look for the text/email invite tomorrow morning. As with the rest of these studies, we will publish to YouTube and post on Facebook.

  • Next Sunday, Easter Sunday - 4/12/2020, our plan is to have “Drive-In” church. Please stay tuned for details.

In case you missed it:

Click image for sermon audio & video

Click image for sermon audio & video