We're Back in the Building!

We are excited to announce that we will be having worship service in the building again! YAY!!

We have made a few changes in order to help keep everyone healthy. We are having 2 Sunday morning services with limited occupancy including overflow seating in the fellowship hall. Services will be held at 9 AM and 11 AM. Both services will also be available live on the internet.

Here are a few announcements and guidelines…

  • If you are at high risk or are not feeling well, we ask that you continue to enjoy our services online.

  • To help with seating… families MUST sit together!

  • We will be disinfecting all areas between services, including the chairs.

  • We will NOT be offering child care (nursery or children’s church) at this time.

  • Offering receptacles are located by the glass doors in the foyer and fellowship hall.

We will continue Wednesday night services online until further notice.

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Food Drive

WARM is in need of food for the pantry. They are asking for canned veggies (no corn), canned tomato products, ramen noodles, jelly, dried beans, rice & pasta. There will be a collection area on Sunday for you to drop off your donations.