Days of Noah

This week’s calendar:

  • Wednesday, 5/27 @ 7pm - Weekly Bible Study (live stream on Facebook and Youtube)

  • Sunday, 5/31 @ 9am & 11am - In person and live stream Sunday services (No Sunday School or Children’s Church)

In case you missed it:

Click image for sermon audio & video

Click image for sermon audio & video

Upcoming events:

  • Tuesday, 6/2 @ 7pm - Deacons Meeting (in person)

  • Wednesday, 6/3 @ 7pm - Weekly Bible Study (live stream on Facebook and Youtube)

  • Sunday, 6/7 @ 11am - Back to one service, we will have the Fellowship Hall open for overflow. We will continue to Live Stream (No Sunday School or Children’s Church)

Food Drive for WARM

Don’t forget, we have joined with other local churches in having a food drive for WARM. We have setup a receptacle in the Foyer and one in the Fellowship Hall, please remember to bring food next week…

Warm Food Drive Banner.png

While WARM will happily accept all unexpired or non-perishable food items, the following items are what is needed most:

  • Canned vegetables (anything except corn – we have a lot of corn)

  • Canned tomato products (sauce or diced)

  • Ramen noodles

  • Peanut Butter & Jelly

  • Dried Beans

  • Pasta & Rice

God Bless and Thank You for your support! The WARM Team.