Mother's Day and Class of 2020 Recognition

This Sunday is Mothers Day! We will be having an outdoor service together at PIBC. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets so you can join us comfortably outside. Please arrive a little early so you have time to setup.

Service will start at 11a like normal.

We will not only be celebrating our Mothers, but as this is our first service in-person we will be celebrating our Class of 2020 graduates! If you’d like to bring a card or small gift for our graduates, they will each have a table set up outside. To learn a little more about our graduates click the button below.

A few more details about our outdoor Mother’s Day Service:

  • The service will be held on the east side of the church & parking will be on the west side.

  • Bring your chairs and blankets to sit on (bring an easy up for shade, if you’d like), you can set up a space for your family in the parking area or on the grass.

  • The service will be streamed in the Fellowship Hall and will be available for our more seasoned attenders, if they would like.

  • Please remember to observe social distancing as we will be together and not in vehicles.

  • The service will also be streamed live for those who wish to stay home.